Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Stall Standoff...

Yeah girls aren’t supposed to talk about this kind of thing, but working in an office building of over a thousand people, it comes up. So if you have a problem with public restrooms, stop reading right now.

I have anxiety in public restrooms, well really only when someone else is in there reminding me it is a public restroom. I always feel this weird tension if I walk in and a stall is already occupied, like I am intruding. I am guessing that is because I always feel like I am being intruded upon when I am in there and someone else walks in. And for some reason this anxiety usually leads to what I like to refer to as “The Stall Standoff”. The reason I named it is because I know others have experienced it too. Whether it’s because there is some alternate version of stage fright, embarrassment or because you feel like whatever happens in that room should be private (yeah I know I am ruining some people’s belief that girls don’t do that) there is this weird power struggle. Seriously, it becomes a waiting game where whoever waits the longest wins. Wins what? Nothing really. Maybe a few seconds of privacy, but not really because you are in a public restroom. The problem is, if you wait too long someone else will eventually join you to brush her teeth, reenact her morning beauty regimen or conduct a completely unnecessary conversation and then the stalemate starts all over again.

I know there are people who literally refuse to use public restrooms. “The Stall Standoff” is one reason I can sort of slightly understand their neurosis.

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