Saturday, March 5, 2011


You know that feeling when you're doing a puzzle and you search and search because some of the pieces are almost perfect but then bend and warp slightly. Just enough to realize that it isn't the right piece.

Then you know the feeling you get when you actually find the piece that fits perfectly. That sense of excitement, accomplishment and also calm that follows. Calm because it fits. There is no fighting. There is no pushing. There is no trying to squeeze something in where it doesn't belong. It is easy. It puts you at ease.

That is how relationships should be. As a person who has always said "the people who walk around thinking relationships are easy should be shot", I guess I sort of agree with them. I mean don't get me wrong they are work. Work to make them successful, to be always present in them and sustain them. However, as far as a partner goes or the piece you find it doesn't have to be. In fact, it shouldn't be that hard.

The things that have warped you in the past are actually things that endear them to you. The things that have bent and buckled before are appreciated, wanted even. The pushing and squeezing is replaced by pulling in and letting go.

The cynic in me says "nothing is perfect", but the hopeless romantic in me says "a perfect fit does exist".

Relationships are just like a puzzle, there are plenty of pieces that almost fit...but there is only one that fits perfectly.

edited by kristin haley

1 comment:

Sam said...

beautifully written