Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Buy That Shirt

My mother taught me early on how to dress for my body type, which is much more Marilyn than Moss. I remember as early as 6th grade, having a sit down with her about what is and isn't acceptable to wear.

"Other girls your age may be able to wear what is trendy right now sweetie, but short skirts and tight tops are not going to get you the right kind of attention."

I remember thinking she was wrong and that was exactly the kind of attention I wanted even in 6th grade. Sick. But she was right in the end and I have her to thank for every compliment I have gotten as a both a young lady and a young woman (even though if you ask me I was a young woman long before a lot of my friends were, if you know what I am saying. And I think you do.)

However, her chastising paid off. I have received remarks from men and women of all ages that I really know how to "present myself". That I really know how to "put an outfit, and myself together." Okay so no toddlers are saying this stuff to me because they don't know what putting myself together means, but you get the idea.

Where am I going with this? Well after being told this yet again from a friend of mine and her friends at her birthday party, we decided that I can call myself a "self-proclaimed fashion expert", and should then be able to comment in the webisphere about the apparel choices of others. At the back booth of Glascott's this new segment to my blog was born and it is called...

Don't Buy That Shirt

It will appear sporadically here and there as colorful commentary on the state of fashion specifically in the Midwest and less specifically the world. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am.

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