Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Water from the sky...

And I am not talking about rain.

If you live in a city, you have undoubtedly experienced the mystery that is random water falling from the sky.

It isn't at all reminiscent of getting slimed on Double Dare. No, that is just the window washer on the 27th floor who has bad eye-hand coordination. Be careful, the bucket usually follows.

No, I am talking about the fine mist that conjures memories of the first moments of a cool summer shower. However, when examined further there seems to be no point of origin. It also comes and goes as it pleases. It is not consistent. It is almost like a mirage. It is over before you know it and it leaves you wondering if it was real.

Where does this mystery condensation come from? What is it? Is there meaning behind it? Is something from above trying to tell us something?

There is something oddly intriguing about, but when I let my mind wander it goes to a disturbing place.

If anyone has answers, please let me know.


Unknown said...

agreed. i've asked these same questions.

who is peeing off the roof at noon? who is washing windows before dawn on a monday? how many buildings in chicago HAVE leaking bathtubs, after all?

Unknown said...

agreed. i've asked these same questions.

who is peeing off the roof at noon? who is washing windows before dawn on a monday? how many buildings in chicago HAVE leaking bathtubs, after all?

Sam said...

window hung air conditioning units.