Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Spirited Commitment.

I have a friend who is trying to quit smoking. She recently got some advice from a colleague who was also trying to quit. She told her to start smoking American Spirits. I realize that sounds a little ridiculous, if you want to quit smoking, keep smoking just change cigarettes. The thing is, a lot of people have used this particular tactic.

Apparently, American Spirits have less of the toxins other cigarettes use in tobacco. They also burn a lot slower than your typical cigarette. So while your brain is being slowly weened off some of the toxins you've become addicted to in Marlboros and Camels, you also don't smoke as often because your usual 3-5 minute cig break is now lasting up to 15 minutes. That yellow pack is a serious commitment. You have to commit to that cigarette when you light up because you are going to be spending a lot more time with the stick. The amount of time you spend smoking increases by like 30%. Nobody does anything now a days that takes up MORE time. It just struck me as strange.

Of course, she is still smoking, so who knows how much credibility this hypothesis holds. But one thing is for sure, if you see someone smoking an American Spirit, you know they aren't a commitment-phobic.

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