Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Biggest Hypocrite.

One of the many articles that's been written since Jillian Michaels introduced her line of cleansing, metabolism boosting diet pills, is titled "Shame on You, Jillian Michaels". To be honest, I couldn't agree more.

Jillian went through her own weight issues when she was a little girl and teenager and she worked her tail off to get in the awe-striking shape she is today. Her methodology, her books, her own story is one of eating right, portion control, exercising, hard work, and determination. . Jillian's equation helped not only herself lose weight and keep it off, but others as well. It got her on The Biggest Loser and the show helped her reach the fitness fame she has today. However, by introducing a line of diet pills she is broadcasting hypocrisy in the worst way. In the words of the author of the article aforementioned,

Her Extreme Quickstart rapid weight loss program goes against everything she has ever preached, sold, or screamed in anyone’s face. Instead of preaching behavior change, educated choices and hard work- you can now just take a pill! The program includes a fat burner, a detoxifying cleanse, and an appetite controller. Stimulants, basically. No proven successes and a laundry list of side effects.

Basically, she didn't even create a program with any dietary value. I know that money makes the world go round, and it's the reason for Jessica Simpson touting hair pieces, and Sean "Puffy" Combs having multiple fragrances. In my opinion, these celebrities are better than Jillian because of the stuff they are endorsing. For instance,

1) the products don't go against everything these celebs stand for
2) the products don't come with side effects
3) they don't go on TV every week stand on a soap box and preach hypocrisy

I bought one of her books, and I'm angry I gave her money. She is creating an empire for the American public that has come to expect and crave instant gratification. Take a pill and get skinny. However, what she is doing is more dangerous than the doctors that put on their lab coats and endorse Hydroxycut or SlimQuick. People are already skeptical of diet pills and doctors. Jillian has proven her effectiveness on a weekly show that demonstrates drastic results, and that is without the pills. I can't imagine what would happen if they contestants were given her new line of stimulants. I can only guess they'd be monitored more diligently by the medical staff on set than they already are.

I just think it's wrong and I am ashamed of her. Way to sell out Jillian. You've now joined the laundry list of celebrities and fitness gurus that are getting rich by playing on people's emotions and then ripping them off.

On top of that, you've ruined one of my favorite shows. I just can't look at TBL the same way anymore.

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