Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Don't forget to wash your hands...

I will never understand the signs in public restrooms. Well, not all public restrooms, but specifically the ones that are inside a restaurant or business. You know, the ones that say 'Employees must wash hand before returning to work'. Is it really something only employees must do? I don't think so. It should say 'All self respecting people must wash their hands before returning to their lives'.

And if employees don't what happens? Is there some super secret way of finding out if they did or didn't. Are they black lighting people's hands when they get back behind the counter or on the sales floor? Is there some sort of reprimanding system if an employee is infecting the store with streptococci? I doubt it. It's just another example of sign making companies getting paid to create a sign that doesn't do anything. Like when they passed the conceal and carry law in Minnesota. Signs went up everywhere that stated 'No guns allowed on these premises'. It is a conceal and carry law. I am pretty sure as long as the gun was concealed nobody was getting in trouble for carrying a gun no one else could see.

Oh, and for the record, the disinfectant gel or whatever is not a substitute for washing your hands. I don't care what you say.

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